
Is This Really Necessary? Is This Really Important?

Whenever I go into stress-, doubt- or worry-modus, I ask myself these questions and guess what: in 95% of the cases, or even more, the answer is NO! It's not important nor necessary. We tend to give too much weight to everything in life. We believe that, if we do not...

Believe It and You’ll See It.

I find this quote from dr. Wayne Dyer a very powerful one! And yet, most people, me included, are used to hearing just the opposite! How many times have you said, or heard someone saying, ‘seeing is believing’. And now dr. Wayne Dyer says the opposite: “Believe it and...

Why Do We Get, so easily, Upset?

The first thing we need to realize when we are upset, is, that what other people say, and how they react towards us, is all about them. Don’t take it personally*. That is not easy, I know, but people have their own beliefs, their own fears and so, when something does...

Once You Organize Your Time, It Will Slow Down.

I am kicking in an open door, when I say that, everything is moving fast, too fast. We have to be present all the time so that we do not miss out on a mail, a message, a photo posted on social media, the news, … We have to be ‘flexible’. We have to be able to adapt to...

Release and Be Free!

I am so grateful for all the things that I have learned over the years, from my wonderful mentor, Courtney Carver*. She’s my go-to-example whenever I am in doubt whether I need something, or whether I need to let go of it. And I have learned that whenever you ask...

Why Don’t We Use Our Key?

I read the following beautiful line the other day: “People live inside a cage but they don’t realize the key is on the inside” For me that was such a simple, yet beautiful, and oh so true statement! We all have the key in our hands to open the doors, closed doors that...

The More You Give, The More You Have…

Most of us live our whole lives in a feeling of scarcity. We fear we will never have enough. Not enough money, not enough stuff, not enough friends, not enough love, not enough…. As we know from the Law of Attraction*. We get more of what vibrates on the same...

Clear Out Your Mind!

Last week and the week before last, we covered decluttering your house and cleansing your body so that you can start to feel lighter and more energetic. This week we’ll look at how to get rid of all the junk in your head as you got rid of all the old stuff gathering...

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